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Weekly Reads, 7/25/2022

Weekly Reads, 7/25/2022

Everybody loves a good story on life saving applications of AI.  The WSJ article on “How Hospitals Are Using AI to Save Lives” is an example.  If hospitals can identify patients that are at a higher risk of a Code Blue emergency before it happens, then lives could be...
Friday Weekly Reads, 7/15/2022

Friday Weekly Reads, 7/15/2022

The weekend is almost here!  My weekly look at the Ethereum upgrade to the Merge (including the impact to Ethereum mining) and where AI still falls short – that includes autonomous vehicles and other time critical safety functions.  The Fast Company...
Hourly rate or total cost

Hourly rate or total cost

Be sure to check out my latest SphereOI blog, Hourly rate or total cost, on what I found completely missing in online advice for IT outsourcing.  I can’t help but wonder if the content out there is simply repeating what C-suite executives want to hear.  Companies...
Weekly Reads, 06/29/2022

Weekly Reads, 06/29/2022

Return on investment (ROI) is often the cornerstone of C-level decision making.  But even as businesses embrace AI and spending is on the rise, a high ROI is not guaranteed.  Making the business case for AI is challenging where the VentureBeat article titled “The...