In my upcoming articles for May, I delve into some captivating topics. Firstly, I discuss an Amazon internal case study that has been causing a stir on the internet. This study reveals a remarkable achievement of Amazon reducing AWS cloud computing costs by a staggering 90% by transitioning from a distributed microservices architecture to a monolithic application. What’s even more intriguing is that this groundbreaking news comes directly from a software engineer employed at Amazon. To explore this subject further, I recommend checking out the YouTube video titled “Serverless was a big mistake… says Amazon” and “Scaling up the Prime Video audio/video monitoring service and reducing costs by 90%”.
This next article takes a retrospective look at the SolarWinds cyberattack that shook the world in 2020. Titled “The Untold Story of the Boldest Supply-Chain Hack Ever,” provides exclusive behind-the-scenes insights into the detection of the intrusion. This cyberattack infected numerous networks and stands as the largest breach of the federal government in the history of the United States.
Lastly, I discuss a recent meeting I attended where Agile and Scrum development practices were discussed. Unfortunately, these practices resulted in an overwhelming workload for the team and led to burnout among several members. As someone who has experienced similar situations, I found the article “Best of 2022: Agile/Scrum is a Failure – Here’s Why” to make compelling points on this subject.
Here is one comment that explains what I often see with Agile, by Kokuyo:
“Train wreck”
I am quitting my current job as a private cloud engineer for a cloud provider because they thought it was a good idea to make us work “Agile.” Sure, we are only plannable for 40-60% of our workweek but the problem is … planning even 40% is quite hard when daily business interrupts just about any plan you have.
[It’s] led to three burnouts in a team of about eight … two people quitting and two more to come. … I stand there watching the train wreck happening and nobody in management doing anything about it.
Pour yourself a cup of tea, grab a seat outside, and enjoy reading these articles.
- Serverless was a big mistake… says Amazon. Amazon Prime Video released an article explaining how they saved 90% on cloud computing costs by switching from microservices to a monolith. (YouTube); Also, Scaling up the Prime Video audio/video monitoring service and reducing costs by 90%. The move from a distributed microservices architecture to a monolith application helped achieve higher scale, resilience, and reduce costs. (Prime Video TECH)
- The Untold Story of the Boldest Supply-Chain Hack Ever. The attackers were in thousands of corporate and government networks. They might still be there now. Behind the scenes of the SolarWinds investigation. (Wired)
- Best of 2022: Agile/Scrum is a Failure – Here’s Why. Pack up your Post-Its? Skip your Stories? As always, the truth is more nuanced: Agile methods aren’t always the bet tools for the job. And when they are, Agile/Scrum require strong, skilled leadership. (