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Weekly Reads, 06/08/2022

by | Jun 8, 2022 | Weekly Reads

Focus on tech instead of employees.  That is mistake #1 in the first article on cybersecurity in my reading list below.  When managers believe cybersecurity is mostly a technological problem that can be quickly fixed with a product, it ignores the people issues that contribute to 80% or more of all cyberattacks.  I have to say the same advice applies to other tech that offer simple solutions to deeply rooted problems.  Managers should beware of the lure of any quick fix. 

There is no doubt that cloud skills are in short supply.  What I have found is that mentoring – if it is done right, will reduce time and cost for companies as they migrate to the cloud.

We are officially declaring that it is summer in the DC area.  Enjoy the reads for the happenings this week:

  • The Biggest Mistakes Companies Make With Cybersecurity – and How to Avoid Them.  Managers routinely miss opportunities to build organizations that are resilient to cyberattacks.  It doesn’t have to be that way. (WSJ)
  • As the cookie crumbles, three strategies for advertisers to thrive.  Here are how brands can adapt their online advertising to compete in a dramatically changing landscape. (MCk)
  • Empowering Predictive Maintenance With IoT Remote Monitoring.  If the existence of fortune tellers and crystal balls can attest to anything, it’s that humans have long attempted to predict what the future holds. But while the efficacy of “supernatural” fortune-telling capabilities may be questionable at best, there is a much more reliable way to predict the future by way of IoT-enabled predictive maintenance.  (IoT For All)
  • Citigroup to hire more than 4K tech staff in push to grow through digital transformation.  Citigroup (NYSE:C) is planning to hire more than 4K tech staff to bring institutional clients online, with 1,000 of the new employees joining the markets technology team, Jonathan Lofthouse, Citi’s head of markets and enterprise risk technology, told Bloomberg in an interview. (Seeking Alpha)
  • How enterprises can overcome the growing cloud skills shortage.  The skills needed to implement and manage cloud services differ substantially from those needed for on-premises applications.  This has created a major hurdle for businesses needing to innovate. (InfoWorld)